SIO76: Debunking Scott Adams on Trump

Scott Adams is the creator of Dilbert, and he also happens to be a Trump apologist to end all Trump apologists. He thinks Trump is the greatest persuader of people that has maybe ever lived, and he thinks half the country is in a mass hysteria and cognitive dissonance for not realizing that fact. You might have heard him on Sam Harris’s podcast a while back and you might also have slammed your head into your desk a few times. In a couple recent blog posts, Scott references a list of Trump’s incredible achievements. He alleges that lefties like me won’t be able to fit this list into their worldviews and will have to pretend it doesn’t exist. Let’s see how this list holds up!

Scott Adams blog 1, 2, pipelines, 100 ways Trump is hurting women, the women’s council that is MIA, Trump’s 2 for 1 regulation thing sucks, Trump hasn’t followed through on HBCUs.

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SIO75: Dr. Roberta Chevrette on Feminism and Gender Studies

Today’s episode is brought to you by Hello Fresh! Go to and enter promo code seriouspod30 for $30 off your first week of deliveries!

At long last, I finally have someone with expertise in the field of Gender Studies to ask about the Conceptual Penis Hoax and more! Dr. Roberta Chevrette completed her Ph.D in Communication and a graduate certificate in Gender Studies at Arizona State University in July 2016. She holds a BA in Anthropology and Women’s Studies from Sacramento State University. Here is Roberta’s academic site:

Also, Roberta will be playing her music at California Freethought Day in Sacramento! Here’s one of her songs: Also check out the website for the event here.

I will also be there, so I’ll be excited to see you if you can make it!

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SIO74: Interview with a Dreamer on #DACA

I once again interrupt my regularly scheduled whatever in order to bring you an interview with an undocumented immigrant, Christian. Christian is currently working under DACA and if the program is ended, he won’t be able to work anymore, short of under the table/off the books jobs. He tells us his story and what exactly DACA means for him.

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SIO73: FGM in the UK, with Chantelle

I’m joined by Chantelle Boduel, who recently completed her Masters in Human Rights Law at the University of Kent in Brussels. She did her thesis on FGM in the UK, and I thought it would be very educational to have her on to speak about what she learned. See the attached Word document for her sources.


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SIO72: But Didn’t Obama Pardon Terrorists?

Today I’m talking about the Arpaio pardon – how awful Arpaio is as a human, what he did that was so egregious, what he was found guilty of, and how he compares to some other historically bad pardons. Isn’t it true that Obama pardoned some people who were WAY WORSE??? I investigate. Also, some great voicemails allow me the chance to talk about my appearance on wethepeoplelive – Josh Zepps’ show – and the whitelash that resulted. Additionally, I need to correct some statistic related mistakes I made on Monday’s episode.

Master Tweet Thread of Arpaio Shittiness538 Article on the PardonWaPo Article on the PardonSlate Piece on Manning CommutationObama’s Clemency InitiativeForbes on Tech Job Deficit

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SIO71: That Whole Google Memo Thing with Felicia Entwistle

Today I’m joined by Felicia Entwistle of the Utah Outcasts to talk about that Google memo and the science of gender differences. I think we did a good job of representing the nuance of the science and outlining some of the fallacies in the discourse over this whole thing. Lots of links!

Original Memo With LinksNPR Why Women Stopped CodingJustices InterruptedGender Differences StudyAnother Gender Differences StudyWomen Face More StressStress StudyWomen from GoogleSexism in TechDebra So Article

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SIO70: WTF Sam Harris

Sam once again had Douglas Murray on his show and they both said some incredibly ignorant things, in my opinion. The worst was Sam’s condemnation of Black Lives Matter. He provided absolutely no facts about it or insights into his reasoning, something I would think you’d want to do before making a claim like that. I play a few clips and try to get to the bottom of this “Identity Politics” bogeyman.

Identity Politics Interview; Douglas Murray – Gentrified Xenophobia; Criminal Justice Fact Sheet; WaPo on Incarceration; ACLU and Guns

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SIO69: Malaysian Officials Want To Hunt Down Atheists

You might have seen the news around Skeptic circles that Malaysian government officials want to hunt down members of an atheist group after a picture of a meetup went viral. Here’s some coverage of it from Patheos. Well it turns out a long-time listener and friend of the show, Adrian, lives in Malaysia and is a member of the Atheist Republic group there! He’s on today to tell us about so-called religious freedom in Malaysia, and what happened with this viral photo!

Penalty for Leaving Islam is DeathLina Joy’s Case

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SIO68: On Many Sides in Charlottesville and the ACLU with Charone Frankel

I’ve got some thoughts about Charlottesville, and then Charone Frankel of Habeas Humor to talk about whether the ACLU holds any responsibility for Nazi movements in America, since they’ve defended them in the past (and had a small hand in the Charlottesville case).

Confederate Monuments

Ward Churchill: – Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chicken– ACLU brief 

Habeas humor:

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SIO67: Andrew Torrez on The Crime Bill and Broken Window Theory

This episode is brought to you by Hello Fresh! Go to and enter promo code seriouspod30 for $30 off!

Andrew Torrez of the impossibly famous podcast Opening Arguments is here to talk about the Crime Bill of 1994 and some surrounding issues! Hillary was blamed for supporting this bill, by Bernie Bros, despite the fact that she wasn’t in the Senate and the time and Bernie actually VOTED for the bill.

The conversation will be continued on tomorrow’s Opening Arguments Podcast because we’re doing a super cool crossover thingy!

Here is who voted on the crime bill:

And here’s Bernie talking about the crime bill, it’s the third full paragraph that begins “The second bill….”

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