SIO104: Cornel West Owes Ta-Nehisi Coates an Apology

Ok so maybe the left is eating its own… After brushing by a couple points on the tax bill, I talk about a few instances of people on the left being unfairly demonized and harassed by other people on the left. It sucks. ContraPoints on YouTube seemed to me to be very affected by harassment over her decision to attend an event with Blaire White and Theryn Meyer. I talk briefly about that but then I move onto a bigger example that I discuss in depth, and that is Cornel West’s hit-piece on Ta-Nehisi Coates. It’s very straw-manny and disturbing to me. Here are some links:

West’s Piece; Weird Coates Atheism Piece; Slate Breakdown; Vox Breakdown

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SIO103: Samantha Corbin of #WeSaidEnough

Samantha Corbin is a Sacramento lobbyist who was fed up with the pervasive culture of sexual misconduct in the Capitol. She and some colleagues wrote an open letter and started an organization called #WeSaidEnough. It has absolutely caught fire! Her co-founder ended up on the cover of Time Magazine. In this interview, Samantha takes us through how pervasive this behavior has been and what her and others plan to do about it!

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SIO102: Moral Philosophy with Aaron Rabi

Congratulations to Doug Jones and thank you so much to black voters of Alabama for turning out and getting us 1 vote closer to taking back the Senate!!!!

First up today I’ve got an update on the Patreon situation. They backed down, but I’m still going forward with a membership option on my website. I explain in more depth, and then I’ve got a fantastic conversation with Aaron Rabi of Embrace the Void! Due to a great response to the idea of me taking on the anti-natalism topic again, I endeavor to do so and I brought an actual philosopher along for the ride!

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SIO101: Science Mom Natalie Newell

Natalie Newell was just a science loving mom who wanted to make a documentary about some other science loving moms… but once she did, she found herself the topic of some bizarre conspiracies! We talk about that experience, and we discuss some common anti-scientific attitudes in this country, like chiropractic, vaccinations, GMOs, and alternative medicine.

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SIO100: The Red Pill, Part 2: MRAs Should Be Democrats

It’s finally here! Part of of my series examining the arguments in the “documentary” “The Red Pill.” Today we talk about video game addiction, porn addiction, toxic masculinity, and then the main topic: sentencing disparity. Are men treated unfairly by the justice system? Spoiler, the answer is actually yes. Here’s the study most in line with MRA claims. Others have it lower, but this one is very convincing.

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SIO99: Crystal Lee, 2014 Miss America Runner-Up and Entrepreneur

Crystal Lee was First Runner-Up in the 2014 Miss America pageant, and now she’s part of a tech startup in Silicon Valley. Crystal has written some incisive pieces including one for in response to what happened at the most recent Miss America – that is, a contestant answered a question competently and the world exploded. We talk about her background, how exactly one becomes a Miss America contestant, and whether she thinks pageants will be able to escape their undeniably sexist roots!

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SIO98: Republicans Don’t Care About You

…unless you’re a bazillionaire or a bank or some other corporation. I talk about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – the brainchild of one future president Elizabeth Warren – and that the only reason you could possibly be against it is if you hate people and prefer banks. So, naturally the Republicans are against it. Then I’m onto another rousing voicemail segment that takes up most of the show because I love hearing from you and engaging your arguments and criticisms!

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SIO97: Lonnie Miller, Republican Candidate for TN Governor

In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, during which you no doubt spent hours arguing with your conservative family members, I bring you a discussion with a Trump supporting Republican. Though undoubtedly a gigantic underdog, Lonnie Miller is making a grassroots effort to become Governor of Tennessee. We talk about how he decided to do that, and we have some cross-political dialogue and the electoral college, healthcare, and taxes.

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SIO96: Franken Must Go; What Happened At Laurier University?

In the first part of this episode I do some followup on Monday’s show. There’s another Franken accuser (and another 2…) and there are some more points to be made. A woman tweeted that she didn’t care that men might be falsely accused, and the internet exploded. Did it matter that she clarified and apologized? Nah. Also, the process for dealing with sexual harassment in Congress is AWFUL.

Then at 27:30, I discuss the latest obsession of the free speech warriors, and that is a secretly recorded meeting in which a Laurier professor and some other admin scolded a grad student for showing a Jordan B. Peterson debate in a class. Here’s a reasonable breakdown of the facts. So is this a case of the free speech right losing their minds or the SJWs going out of control?

Full Audio; Laurier Apologies

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SIO95: The Franken Fallout, with Dr. Kristi Winters and Charone Frankel

In a world where we’re finally starting to take allegations of sexual misconduct seriously, what is next? How do we as a society treat the perpetrators? Does it matter if they are contrite? Are there different levels of seriousness? All these are very tough questions that I don’t think we, as a whole, quite have the answers to yet. Here to help us get the dialogue started are Dr. Kristi Winters and Charone Frankel!

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