Tried to post last night, but Patreon was down.
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We’re back! (sort of).. I lost a battle with technology so this one and the next one have some bad audio quality on my end. This episode features a boring explanation of my absence.
AS158: “My Father’s Funeral Was Stopped By Gay Marriage”
Yeah, you heard that right. But first, it’s a continuation of Monday’s episode with Nathanael. He turned the interview back on me, and we continued the exchange. Overall I’m very happy to have talked with Nathanael and while I of course disagree with any supernatural claims, he’s a great guy who is doing a lot of good in the world.
But now onto a bizarre and sad story in the second half (starts at 18:30). A listener, Josh, wrote to ask my help in spreading awareness of some very callous and heartless actions his family’s church of 30 years took in response to a very reasonable request regarding his father’s funeral. It’s an awful example of how bigotry can trump all with some churches.
You can find Nathanael at and his twitter @npvitkus
AS157: Dialogue With A Christian, Nathanael
Show friend Tracey Moody connected today’s guest, Nathanael, and I. We ended up having a really cool discussion that I think was very positive and due to the miracles of modern science, was caught on tape! Here it is.
You can find Nathanael at and his twitter @npvitkus
AS156: Cognitive Dissonance on Tim Hunt
Alright, Cognitive Dissonance, take 2! This time we’re here for real, and the topic at hand is the Tim Hunt controversy. Find out Tom and Cecil’s take on the matter, and see what their responses to some counter arguments are!
AS155: Cognitive Dissonance
The guys are back! Well, we intended to talk about the Tim Hunt stuff, and its implications on free expression, etc, BUT we got a little sidetracked. I thought the recording was comedy gold, but in case anyone disagrees, you get a 2 for 1 deal on Thursday, during which time we ACTUALLY talk about Tim Hunt and the implications on free expression… Until then. Here’s this!
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JT19, baby!
AS154: The Portable Atheist
Ok ok, a REAL one this time! This month’s reading is A Refutation of Deism by Percy Shelley. Lots of cool stuff to talk about in this reading. Shelley was a poet but honestly in my opinion, he could have been a philosopher! Also, did he predict evolution 50 years before Origin of Species? I don’t know, listen and find out why I think he sort of did!
AS153: An Atheist In A Catholic Church Portable Atheist, kind of. You’ll see. This weekend I had the unique experience of attending a Catholic wedding. It has been a while since I’ve stepped foot in a Catholic Church and it certainly was fascinating.
Also, we were set to do Portable Atheist but the selection was very short and not too amenable to being summarized on the show. So we’ll try again next time!
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JT18! The charity website Jake referenced is