SIO66: North Korea and the REAL Trump

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With the leak of some phone call transcripts we discover that the REAL Trump is…… the same Trump we’ve seen this entire time. There’s no real Trump, there’s just Trump. I go over some of the absolutely horrific details of these phones calls, then I talk about how Tillerson has gutted the State Department at the worst possible time, and all that is just as we face a nuclear North Korea! Fun times!


The Call Transcripts; Understanding Trade Deficits; Australia-US Refugee Deal; Gutted State Department Source 1, 2, 3

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SIO64: No, Progressives Aren’t Embracing Hate

But first, I give a little book review of The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. The book illustrated some vital concepts that are often missing from our conversation on race. I share some highlights. Then, it’s a voicemail segment during which I talk at length about a column a lot of people have been sharing lately. It’s called When Progressives Embrace Hate and it talks about the leaders of the Women’s March and their ties to some questionable people.

Hollywood Harris Hit Piece; Article with Anti-Semitism Poll

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SIO63: Dangers of Neoliberalism with Michael A. Wood Jr.

Joining me for some lively debate about the harms of neoliberalism is Michael A. Wood Jr. Michael ended his service in the USMC in 1998, and joined the Baltimore Police Department where he served as a narcotics detective until retiring as a patrol Sergeant medically in 2014. In 2015 Michael turned to twitter to reveal the culture of law enforcement and authored several essays and books on reforms. Interest went wild. In 2016 Michael led a veterans group to Standing Rock where they protested the pipeline. Michael has since also focused on civilian led policing as a national grassroots form of action. He is currently a PHD candidate and a criminal and social justice activist. 

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SIO62: Trans and in the Military with Sarah

Today I’m joined by not-her-real-name-Sarah, who is trans and is currently serving in the military. She is in danger of losing her job, given Trump’s recent tweets. She discusses a bit of the policy history and helps put these monstrous ideas into perspective.

After that, I do some commentary on some things including the fact that, yes, I’m outraged. Things are outrageous currently. But, if you’re really worried about the “whole transgender thing” being a distraction, make sure you’re still doing everything you can to stop Trumpcare here.

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SIO61: What Is True Islam? with Qasim Rashid

Joining us this week is Qasim Rashid. Qasim is an Ahmadi Muslim and author of the book Talk To Me. He claims that the true Islam is peaceful, but is he justified in making that claim? Is it bigoted to say otherwise?

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SIO60: An Objective Look at Linda Sarsour

… to the degree that’s possible on the internet these days…

When Dave Rubin tweeted that we need to stop giving money to the ACLU and Sam Harris retweeted it, simply because they wrote a profile on Linda Sarsour, I decided I needed to look into this person. This is certainly a minefield… So here we go… my best effort at an objective look at Linda Sarsour.

Links: ACLU profile on SarsourWomen’s march missionSnopes on accusations against SarsourSarsour opinion pieceNY police Muslim spy unitJihad speech being taken out of contextWomen’s march Assata Shakur tweetSarsour 2011 tweet on AyaanSarsour response to being called out

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SIO59: Alix Jules

Joining me on the show is Alix Jules! Alix is a super fascinating guy, and we talked for several hours, half of which is captured in today’s episode. We definitely did not have the time to get to everything, or even a significant portion, but don’t worry! We are already booked for another interview. In this iteration, we discuss his background, some of his activism, and he lends his perspectives to many of the ongoing themes of SIO lately!

Here are some links Alix discussed:

Lawsuit for Valedictorian:

Mississippi School Desegregates (2016):

Mississippi School District Drops Challenge on desegregation (2017):

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SIO58: Yes, Call Out Assholes (Including me, if you see it that way)

The first portion of this show, as referenced at the end of last episode, is about Peter Boghossian finally showing himself to be a sexist asshole. I also respond to the argument I frequently see of “Stop infighting, stop calling out atheist leaders, it distracts from our movement!” I think I have a good counter to that.

After that, it’s some amazing and difficult voicemails! Really top notch calls. I love hearing from you guys and being challenged!

Some links:

African American Vernacular EnglishThe Word “Thug”The Cornrows Incident

Come to the Inciting Incident 100th show! I’ll be there with Andrew and many of your other podasting faves! 

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SIO57: Problems in Academia

Today’s conversation is with Matthew Facciani and Jeremiah Traeger. They’re here to educate us on some of the problems in publishing and academia! 

Matthew began his academic career in cognitive neuroscience and later switched to sociology where he is now finishing his PhD at The University of South Carolina. Currently, his main research area investigates why people reject scientific evidence. Facciani is also involved with secular and gender equality activism. His blog and podcast are both titled According to Matthew. @MatthewFacciani on Twitter.

Jeremiah is currently a graduate student at the University of Colorado, Boulder; who has been involved in secular and progressive activism. He contributes to A Tippling Philosopher on Patheos. @jerbivore on Twitter  Here are some links Jeremiah covered:

Nature – Academic jobs not keeping up with PhDs awarded.

70% of scientists have failed to reproduce results.

Half of clinical trials left unpublished:

Statistical restraints on researchers that Nature is proposing:

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