SIO124: Lawrence Krauss Accused of Sexual Misconduct; Interview with Monette Richards

This is a doozy of an episode. Lawrence Krauss was recently accused of a range of sexual harassment and misconduct. I believe his accusers. It’s documented quite thoroughly by BuzzFeed. Since people are trying to casually dismiss the accusations as “Ugh, BuzzFeed” and “Anonymous sources,” I took the time to make a quick and dirty breakdown of the individual charges and how many named and unnamed sources there are, and the corroborating evidence. It’s not just “anonymous sources” or “rumors” by any means. Here’s a great breakdown by Rebecca Watson, and here’s an episode by Godless Mama.

Sam Harris and Matt Dillahunty had an event scheduled with Krauss a few days after the article dropped. They ultimately agreed he shouldn’t appear onstage, but for what I think were bad reasons. There’s a 15 minute recording of the event that I break down. It’s profoundly disappointing. Though they give pay some lip service to #metoo, it is my opinion that their actual words and conduct in this instance has fallen way short. In fact, I believe the way they have handled this instance is part of the sexist system that is leading to predators getting away with bad behavior for so long. Sam references Keillor as though he’s a victim of #metoo, but I go back into that story and there are even more updates about his sexual misconduct.

And finally, on a more positive note, I have a great interview with Monette Richards, who has an exciting announcement! The Kickstarter has begun for Secular Women Work! Please check it out and consider supporting them! She was quoted in this Gizmodo article about Krauss.

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SIO123: David Silverman of American Atheists

David Silverman joins us to talk about an awesome convention coming up in AAcon2018! I really valued David’s response to the nonsense that happened in Milwaukee last September, and he’s putting his money where his mouth is in how American Atheists has organized their 2018 conference. It’s atheism, but with a heart and with compassion. We talk about that and much more!

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SIO122: Yes, I Want To Take Away Your Guns

No the title isn’t just clickbait. I’ve decided I do want to take your guns away. I’m tired of Democrats saying they don’t actually want that, and then being labeled as such by the right anyway. So why not embrace it?


NRA Payouts; Bret Stephens Repeal the 2nd Amendment; Vox Comprehensive Article on US Gun Violence; Most Gun Deaths Are Suicides; New Quinnipiac Poll; Trump Budget Cuts Mental Health; Injuries and Deaths Due To Firearms in the Home

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SIO121: Ian Danskin of Innuendo Studios

Should we ever talk to the alt-right? When we do so, why does it feel so unproductive? Why can’t we on the left ever seem to “win” debates with the alt-right? Why are Gamer-Gaters so angry? These are just a few of the questions Ian Danskin of the YouTube channel Innuendo Studios has sought to answer. He does so brilliantly and incisively. I’ve found his work to be incredibly illuminating. He was kind enough to come on the show and talk about his background, how he got into this line of work, and answer some of my questions about political discourse and his videos!

Brilliant GamerGate Series; The Alt-Right Playbook

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SIO120: Philosophers In Space with Aaron Rabi

I’m so excited to finally present what I’ve been vaguebooking about! Today’s show features episode 1 of a new project called Philosophers In Space! Each episode uses our favorite science fiction to teach related philosophical concepts. In this episode, we use the USS Callister episode of Black Mirror to talk about The Experience Machine by Nozick. Try it on, see how you like it, and if you want to hear more check out

Eventually the show will be on iTunes but for now it’s only available to patrons!

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SIO119: Getting Satanic with Jex Blackmore

Jex Blackmore is the spokeswoman for the Satanic Temple! They’ve been responsible for a lot of provocative and effectively targeted public performances. Their target is very often Christian theocrats who either don’t realize they’re inflicting their religious views on everyone else, or they don’t care. Jex takes us through the basics of the Satanic Temple and her experiences!

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SIO118: Intercontinental Culture Wars, with Michael Marshall

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Michael Marshall is the host of Be Reasonable and co-host of Skeptics with a K. He is heavily involved in the UK Skeptic movement, and has been somewhat alarmed by the state of movement atheism in the US. We talk about some of the differences and possible reasons for them. Later in the show, he takes us through a very difficult article he co-wrote about Jonathan Bryan – a child with severe brain damage who seems to be able to read and write at a precocious level… but only using facilitated communication. It’s a sensitive story but one where skepticism is sorely needed.

Here’s the awful, racist Sargon clip I referenced.

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SIO117: Jaclyn Friedman on Yes Means Yes, Feminism, and Sexual Liberation

Today I’m joined by Jaclyn Friedman! From her website: She is a writer, speaker and activist, and creator of the hit books Yes Means Yes: Visions of Female Sexual Power and a World Without Rape (one of Publishers’ Weekly’s Top 100 Books of 2009, and #11 on Ms. Magazine’s Top 100 Feminist Nonfiction of All Time list) and What You Really Really Want: The Smart Girl’s Shame-Free Guide to Sex & Safety. Her podcast, Unscrewed, is paving new paths to sexual liberation, and was named one of the Best Sex Podcasts by both Marie Claire and Esquire.

Check out these articles she has written, in particular: Vox Article on Aziz Ansari; New York Times Opinion on Consent

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SIO116: What Is Jordan Peterson Saying? with Aaron Rabi

Every atheist’s favorite Christian, Jordan B. Peterson, went on Channel 4 News and had a heated exchange with Cathy Newman. Though she made some good points, Newman’s technique centered around replying with “ you’re saying..” and then straw man Peterson. So what was he actually saying? Is there a better way of trying to engage with people like Peterson or should we not bother at all? Joining me to sift through Peterson’s paranoid nonsense about gender and postmodernism is philosopher Aaron Rabi of the Embrace the Void podcast!

Here are some excellent links to check out: Claudia Goldin on Gender Equality; Globe and Mail Write Up on Peterson

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SIO115: What Happens When We Accidentally Decriminalize Prostitution?

You might laugh, but it happened in Rhode Island! My two guests, Dr. Manisha Shah and Dr. Scott Cunningham, did an extensive study on the results. It’s called “Decriminalizing Indoor Prostitution: Implications for Sexual Violence and Public Health.” What happened might surprise you!

Special thanks to Lydia for arranging this recording!

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