A listener had a really interesting voicemail about whether or not it’s valuable to point out hypocrisy. You might think that’s obvious, but he makes a compelling case against it!
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A listener had a really interesting voicemail about whether or not it’s valuable to point out hypocrisy. You might think that’s obvious, but he makes a compelling case against it!
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Sorry this one is bad audio quality (blame Phoebe!) but it is great content quality. I talk about a harmful immigration myth being spread by the White House, and Jake talks about some Jake news being peddled in Australia about their refugee program!
Where does the Babe.net article on Aziz Ansari land on the spectrum of #metoo moments? Are the old-school feminists correct when they say women ought to say no and call a cab? Today’s episode is a discussion between two people who come out on different ends of some of these questions. It’s an attempt to find some common ground and understanding on a very important issue.
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Note: This episode contains strong language and discussion of sexual activity.
Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!
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Normies had a HelloFresh ad in today’s episode, but not you fine members! Thanks for being you!
Today’s episode begins with some thoughts on what can be a moral blindspot when it comes to fat shaming and looks shaming Trump. Is there a way to hit all the criticism we want to while not unnecessarily insulting and offending innocent bystanders? I think so, and I outline my case. Then I go through several listener voicemails! They cover a range of recent topics from reparations to Sam Harris.
Athletes with Trump’s Weight and Height; The Case for Reparations
Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!
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Tom stayed by to answer some of your questions (posed in the Facebook group, make sure to join here!) We talk Santa Claus, living in liberal cities, and then we take the bulk of the time to discuss his post on gender roles and expectations on men.
You can listen on your premium RSS feed or you can download here.
Is Twitter real life?
Tom from Cognitive Dissonance is here with me to talk about his philosophy on dealing with criticism and unpleasant people online. It’s very zen and interesting, but is it something you and I would be able to adopt? Then we move on to the broader topic of the morphing of analog and digital lives and how the world is changing.
Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!
You can listen on your premium RSS feed or you can direct download.
Did Obama’s administration get rid of all the material on how to combat radical Islamic terrorism?
Do Australian conservatives get good press in Australia, and did Tony Abbott lose the Prime Ministership because of unfair media coverage?
What in the hell is the atheism world coming to when atheist horse-person Sam Harris would agree with a religious conservative on a matter of Church-State Separation over the Freedom from Religion Foundation? I talk about the details of this strange and depressing convergence, as well as some of the other broader implications of the Eric Weinstein, Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris conversation, and Weinstein’s so-called Intellectual Dark Web.
Harris Podcast; FFRF View on Masterpiece Cake Case; Ben Shapiro Lying About the Case; Eric Weinstein Tinfoil Hat Tweet; Contra Video Taken Down; German Law.
Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!
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… and another great round of your voicemails! A website called thewrap.com unearthed some old blog posts by Cenk Uygur in which he wrote some alarmingly sexist things. He has since apologized and emphasized that he doesn’t believe those things anymore. Here is their article and here’s the biased Gateway Pundit Article. How ought we to evaluate something like this in the wake of the #metoo moment? I have a lot to say about that, and about the cynical, bad-faith attempts on the right to both claim #metoo is a witch hunt, but also to use it when it pleases them.
Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!
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