SIO16: Debunking Liberal Fake News

This week, Thomas talks about the recent increase in “fake news” coming from the more liberal outlets. From “spin”, to misinformation, to outright lies there are plenty of examples to choose from among recent headlines! Is this just what happens to the party that is not in power?

Thomas also tackles some Trump updates and some listener voicemails.

Atlantic interview with the managing editor or Snopes

New York Magazine article on possible election hacking
538 article debunking it

Washington Post Article about State Department Resignations
CNN article debunking it

Woman dies because of Trump’s “Muslim Ban
Follow-up debunking it

Police Raid and burn Tipis at Standing Rock
Debunked here, here, and here.

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SIO15: Did the Catholic Church Support Hitler? with Tim O’Neill

Joining me for a third time is Tim O’Neill of the blog History for Atheists! Tim is back to take us through some really fascinating possible misconceptions about whether or not the Pope and the Catholic church were supportive of Hitler and the Nazis. Tim also discusses whether or not Hitler himself was religious. Lots of claims have been made by atheists and others about these questions and Tim is here to clear up misconceptions and give his view of what the evidence tells us!

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SIO14: President Bannon

Today Thomas is taking a closer look at the other terrible hairstyle in the White House, Steve Bannon. There has been a lot circulating about how much power and influence Bannon may have, many say it’s far too much. So we decided to look into just who this guy is and exactly what kind of power he actually has. As seems to be the case with most current political news, what we found is…concerning.

Thomas also replies to some of our wonderful listener comments and voicemails. Keep them coming, we love hearing from you!

NY Times OpEd- I Was on the National Security Council. Bannon Doesn’t Belong There.

CNN- David Axelrod: I woke up this morning as an alternative fact

NPR- FACT CHECK: Spin Aside, Trump’s National Security Council Has A Very Big Change

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SIO13: Food Fight! With Kavin Senapathy

Today Thomas talks with Kavin Senapathy about science, food, and the misinformation and pseudo science that is so prevalent in the food industry today. Kavin is co-Executive Director of March Against Myths, a Forbes contributor, and co-author of “The Fear Babe: Shattering Vani Hari’s Glass House”.  You can find more from her on Facebook and Twitter.

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SIO12: Is the Left to Blame for Trump’s Muslim Ban?

But first I have to offer a correction on the Jordan B. Peterson episode. He said in other interviews that he would use she and he appropriately for trans people but not any other pronouns. I made it sound like he wouldn’t do so. I apologize for getting that wrong. I explain my thinking on this, as well as point out how frustrating it has been for people to try to dismiss my entire message based on one point of misunderstanding.

After that, I cover Trump’s executive orders so far, and in particular the Muslim ban. Is it the same as Obama’s act from 2011? Are liberals responsible for it? Find out what I think and see if you agree or disagree!

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SIO11: Do We Have Free Will? with Aaron

Today’s episode is brought to you by!! Click the link and make sure to enter promo code seriouspod for $35 off your first delivery!

Today I have philosopher Aaron on to discuss free will. I’ve been wanting to revisit the topic for quite a while now, ever since the debate between Sam Harris and Dan Dennett that I covered in detail at the time. Today’s show is exploring an anti-compatibilist position, and I’m hoping a future show will explore the compatibilist one! (if you’re a philosopher who believes free will exists, please contact us using the links below to potentially be on a future episode!) Aaron attempts to define free will in the way most amenable to compatibilist arguments, yet still believes he has good reason to doubt free will! Listen and see if you agree! If you like Aaron, make sure to check out his book here!

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SIO10: Jordan B. Peterson is Just Wrong (or lying…or both).

This week we listened to Waking Up with Sam Harris and as big fans we were very disappointed in how he handled his interview with Jordan B. Peterson.  So in this episode Thomas goes over exactly why that is, in the hopes that this message reaches Sam.

We also have some more great listener voicemails, thank you so much for all the great feedback and keep it coming!
Find the record of Bill C-16 from the Canadian Parliament here
Find the Ontario Provisions Peterson mentioned here
Find Brenda Cossman’s article rebutting Peterson’s Claims here
Some even argue that C-16 doesn’t go far enough! here
And VICE has a pretty good breakdown of everything here

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SIO8: Completely Unpresidented

It’s another Thursday full of inquiry! In this episode I discuss Trump’s inauguration and the obscene amount of money he’s collecting for it, as well as the congress persons boycotting it. Are they right to do so?

Next up are updates on Trump’s cabinet confirmation hearings. How are our favorite incompetents faring in congressional hearings?

And finally, I’ve got some great voicemails to react to. Thanks for those contributions! Included is one from a Republican atheist telling me why Trump won. Also, a listener commented that the far left is just as bad as the far right because of their anti-science positions. Do the numbers really bear that out? Here are some links I used to evaluate that:

GMOs, Vaccines, Climate Change

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