SIO55: Debating Evergreen and the Merits of Whitesplaining

This episode is another attempt at debate across the social justice divide. CJ (@VieKeng on Twitter) has taken exception with my characterization of the Evergreen situation, and perhaps most strenuously with my use of the term “whitesplain.” I’m very curious for feedback on this one! Listen to most post-analysis and if you have thoughts, I’d love to heard them in voicemail form!

The debate ends around 59:00.

Links from CJ:

VICE gets students & President on camera 

Trustees condemn protest tactics Faculty Praise protests Student letter against protests More to EVGN than Weinstein

SIO54: Ishmael of Angry Black Rant on Appropriation, Bill Maher and More

Back for the severalith time is Ishmael from Angry Black Rant! Lots of listeners requested this interview and Ish was kind enough to oblige. We discuss cultural appropriation, the Bill Maher situation, and more race-related issues in today’s discourse. It’s always fun talking with Ishmael, but it’s also very real and revealing as well!

Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!

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SIO53: What Is Postmodernism? With Aaron Rabi

What the Gender Studies Hoax and Jordan B. Peterson’s pronoun mania both have in common is the bogeyman of postmodernism. It seems to be conventional wisdom that postmodernism is manifestly crazy. But how substantive is that criticism in reality? I’ve invited a philosopher, Aaron Rabi, to give us a bit of a lesson on what postmodernism is and perhaps where the criticisms are accurate and where they fall short.

Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!

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SIO52: Democrats Should Be Happy About the Special Elections

Please share this podcast with any Democrat you witness losing their mind about the special election results. In reality, the trend is very, very positive for Democrats going into 2018 elections. I go into why. After that, we have a lengthy and most excellent voicemail segment. Listen in!

Our Brand Is Worse Than TrumpAnti-Pelosi Republican Ad; Lots of Info On Special Elections At Ballotpedia

Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!

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SIO51: Andrew Torrez on Manslaughter: Philando Castile and Michelle Carter

In the same weekend, a teen found guilty of manslaughter for convincing her boyfriend to commit suicide, and a police officer found NOT guilty after shooting and killing Philando Castile. It has left many wondering, how did this happen? This demands expert analysis, so I’ve brought in the big guns in Andrew Torrez, resident law expert at the Opening Arguments Podcast to help us understand the situation!

Philando Castile; Michelle Carter; Andrew’s Case

Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!

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SIO50: Michael Shermer on Evergreen and Gender Studies

Back for a second time is Michael Shermer! He’s the editor of Skeptic Magazine and has been a very prominent voice in the community for decades. After our last conversation, a couple of things happened. One was the gender studies hoax, which was explained and endorsed by his magazine. The other was the Evergreen incident, which Shermer tweeted about and wanted to know my thoughts on. We discussed both of these at length!

Refer to my earlier episode on Evergreen for those references

Faculty of color say they are receiving death threats; President disappointed in protesters, may discipline; Weinstein second Tucker Carlson appearance; Sokal’s response to the gender studies hoax; Feminist glaciology TED talk.

Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!

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SIO49: The Pro-Truth Pledge, with Dr. Gleb Tsipursky

Joining me this week for interview Monday is Dr. Gleb Tsipursky! Gleb is an expert in decision sciences, focusing on politics and business. In the wake of the 2016 election, Gleb has decided to focus on fighting against fake news and misinformation in our politics. That’s why he has created the Truth Pledge, which he tells us all about in the interview. His insight is very valuable and is another in the series on how to change minds and where to focus our efforts. 

Make sure you take the Pro-Truth Pledge!

Research links:

Link to Gleb’s bio:

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SIO48: What’s Really Going On at Evergreen College?

Due to popular demand, I’ve decided to embark on a fact-finding mission regarding the Brett Weinstein/Evergreen College fiasco. It took an incredible amount of digging to find anything beyond the same few talking points that have exploded across conservative media in the past few weeks, but the deeper story is a little more complicated and worthy of our attention. As usual, the easy way out is to filter the facts so they comport to a narrative we want, but I do my best to investigate the facts from a neutral standpoint.

What I found might surprise you! Here are extensive links:

Tucker Carlson InterviewEmail Exchange; Cooper Point Journal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Weinstein View on Equity PolicyDemographics of Professors; Detainment of Black Students; President Letter on Trigger Warnings; President Response to Demands; Letter from 50 FacultyProfessor Solidarity with StudentsProf Setting Record Straight.

Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!

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SIO47: Conversation with a Critic on Bill C-16

It is immensely important to me that I do my best to engage with those who disagree, and in that spirit I present a conversation with someone who argued a lot with me on Twitter about Jordan B. Peterson and Canadian bill C-16. This conversation took place on May 4th, but with a lot of Trump news and some key interviews I kept the interview as patron only. Lots of listeners have requested its release though, and I think it’s also an inspiring and useful dialogue to hear. So at long last, I give you my conversation with @PithyJoe on the merits of bill C-16.

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