SIO93: Listener Voicemail!

It’s time for one of my favorite things, and that is – hearing from you! We’ve got some great voicemail for this episode, from diverse viewpoints. For example, did you know that equality happened in 1992? Neither did I! These are always my favorite episodes, so I highly recommend you don’t miss it!

Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!

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SIO92: Was the DNC Rigged?

It’s another topic decide by the fine folks over at! Donna Brazile made a huge stir with her article on claiming the DNC was rigged in favor of Hillary. She actually later walked back that language, but that didn’t stop an avalanche of accusations on both sides. I tried very hard to check all my biases and take a look at the evidence and see what really happened. 

Intercept Article; 2015 Politico Article; 2016 Politico Article; 538 on Number of Debates; Politifact on DWS Claim; 2016 Dem Primary Polls; Vox Clinton Dem Victory Timeline; WaPo Brazile Walks Back Claim; Flaw in Brazile Argument; Joint Fundraising Agreement; Stephanie Zvan Piece; 538 System Isn’t Rigged Against Bernie; DNC Pledges to Change

Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!

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SIO91: Dr. Kate Biberdorf on Science Outreach

Dr. Kate Biberdorf is the brains behind the science outreach program ‘Fun with Chemistry!’ We talk about the disturbing anti-science attitude prevalent in our society right now and the exciting and laudable work she and others are doing to make science cool again!

Check her out at or!

Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!

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SIO90: Uranium and #DARVO: An Epistemological Crisis

A listener sent me an email about a concept called DARVO. It’s a tactic abusers use and it’s shockingly exactly what Trump (and maybe a certain other someone we all know…) is doing. I talk about that and then look into some questions like, did Hillary give 20% of our Uranium to the Russians? Did the DNC and the HIllary campaign collude with Russia to fix the election? Then I talk about why we shouldn’t be talking about those questions…. It’s meta.

Medium Article Explaining DARVO; Fact checks on Uranium – 1, 2, 3, 4; WaPo on Clinton and Giustra; 2008 NYT on Kazakhstan Mining Deal; NYT 2015 on Uranium Deal; Clinton Foundation Money; Clinton Foundation Statement; Murdoch Outlets Bash Mueller; WaPo Dossier DNC Connection; Vox Epistemic Crisis

Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!

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SIO89: Three Stories of #metoo

As you likely saw, in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein revelations, women started sharing their stories of sexual harassment and assault under the hashtag #metoo. I wish we lived in a world where this kind of thing wasn’t necessary, but unfortunately we don’t. We live in a world where people still somehow believe this isn’t a widespread problem. Where people are in, at best, a state of ignorance. I want to do whatever I can to remove that ignorance, so I’ve invited 3 women onto the show who are willing to tell their stories. Let’s listen. It’s really the least we can do.

Special thanks to Felicia Entwistle of Utah Outcasts for guest outreach.

Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!

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SIO88: Trump’s Participation Trophies, Part 3

It’s part 3, which may or may not be the final part! Once again, here is the original list of accomplishments. We’ve got some doozies today!

20. Pentagon Report 21. The NASA Bill 22. NY Times on the Rule; NPR on Obama’s Rule 23. Polling on Obamacare 24. Bombing ISIS 25. Trump’s Fake Philanthropy; AP on Inaugural Fund 26. Republicans Hate Veterans 27. No link needed yet 28. Pointless Education EO

Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!

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SIO87: Eli Bosnick with Brian, Dmitry and not Sean from Mythicist Milwaukee

Well, here’s the terrible recording with Brian and Dmitry from Mythicist Milwaukee, but not their president and co-founder, Sean. Thanks to Eli for coming on. This will be the last episode dedicated to Mythicist Milwaukee. 

Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!

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SIO86: Emotion is Critical to Reasoning

Today’s episode I have to explain a few things about the next couple recordings, and then I talk about some of the science behind emotion and logic. My more qualified wife, Lydia, did some research on this question. A man lost his ability to feel emotion when a brain tumor operation went badly. What do you think happened to him? Was he all of a sudden a superhero of logic and rationality? Or was his entire life ruined? Find out!

Then I do a long overdue voicemail segment. I play several of your voicemails left after the MM event, and I play a few from more of the Sargon crowd who actually make some arguments worth discussing. Because I am in favor of a battle of ideas when those ideas aren’t “Should we sexually harass women.”

Here are some links! XKCD; Using Only Logic Destroys Decision Making; Emotion is not the Enemy of Reason; Mental Shortcuts, Not Emotions, Guide Irrational Decisions.

Leave Thomas a voicemail! (916) 750-4746, remember short and to the point!

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