SIO144: Aimee Terese on Socialism

My guest this week is Aimee Terese, co-host of the Dead Pundits podcast. She is a self-described socialist, which allows us to shift the SIOverton Window a bit to the left, for once. We talk about what socialism means to her, how liberals and socialists can and should work together, and more! Aimee has a background in philosophy and is currently studying law with an emphasis on critical legal theory.

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SIO143: YouTuber T1J @the1janitor

By popular request, I’m joined by Kevin, who goes by The One Janitor or T1J on YouTube, recently put out a brilliant critique of Sam Harris. I found it to be keenly critical while still being fair. We talk about that, YouTube in general, and delve into his political views as well.

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SIO142: Andrews Seidel and Torrez on Masterpiece Cakeshop

It’s a coven of Andrews! We had so much to talk about regarding the Masterpiece Cakeshop decision handed down by the Supreme Court recently, that we had to do some overflow from Opening Arguments! These two expert Andrews are here to break it down for us, including how many different ways Dave Rubin is wrong about this. (It’s a lot).

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SIO141: Hillary for President 2020; Jen Keane Update on #Repealthe8th

Am I kidding? I don’t know, maybe I am, maybe I’m not. You’ll have to listen and find out! With news that Bernie is running in 2020, I’ve got some reaction to the reaction, beginning with a sort of analogy or allegory for 2016 you might find interesting. After that, it’s a long overdue voicemail segment! I plan on doing these at the end of each month, so call in!

Then, Jen Keane joins us for an update on #Repealthe8th in Ireland! And it’s a rare bit of good news!

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SIO140: Surviving Gay Conversion Therapy, with Tim Rymel

Time Rymel grew up under the incredibly dogmatic and restrictive religion of Pentecostalism. At a young age, Tim realized he just wasn’t attracted to women like he was “supposed” to be. But, his intense belief system didn’t allow for that sort of thing, so Tim felt compelled to pursue gay conversion therapy. After he was “cured,” he married a woman and became a leader in “ex-gay” ministry. Eventually, though, things began to unravel…

Check out Tim’s website, and also his Facebook group.

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SIO139: Eli Bosnick on Meditation

The funniest guy I know is here to talk about… meditation? Turns out Eli has a wealth of knowledge on the practice, and has become something of an evangelist for it. Eli had a pretty heartbreaking revelation after a difficult time, and it led him to really want to get better. Meditation has really made a difference for him and he (and science) thinks it can make a difference for you, too! That sounds like a sales pitch but this is entirely free and Eli in no way makes any money off of it.

Also come see me in New Orleans on the 19th! It’s free, come visit and hear my talk!

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SIO138: BJ Mendelson on Internet Privacy

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BJ Mendelson has a number of fascinating stories to tell us today! He went viral in 1998, long before it was called that. He amassed 1 million Twitter followers in kind of a weird way… He’s privy to some of the darker stories behind Silicon Valley startups… And, he’s got a lot to teach us about internet privacy! It’s a really fun and informative interview you won’t want to miss!

Also, I’m speaking to the New Orleans Secular Humanist Association on May 19th!! If you’re anywhere near the area, please consider attending! You can find more info here.

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SIO137: Christianity No Longer Makes Sense, with Evan Davids

On the show this week is Evan Davids, author of the book Christianity No Longer Makes Sense and owner of a hilarious dog who can’t catch food! (yeah, that dog!) Despite having written an anti-Christianity book, Evan doesn’t consider himself an atheist! We talk about that and why he believes Christianity no longer makes any sense in today’s world!

Also, if you’re a patron, make sure to catch the bonus episode I released on Nazi Pugs and Free Speech!

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SIO136: Don’t Surf on Tsunami, and Other Disaster Advice from Mika McKinnon

Mika McKinnon is a geophysicist, science communicator, sci-fi science consultant, and all around badass! We talk about her awesome job as part Bond Villain, part MacGyver. AFter that, Mika gives us some very good disaster advice and teaches us all about tsunamis and volcanoes! Then we go on to discuss her work as a sci-fi consultant where we finally give the movie The Core the scientific thrashing it deserves. Mika also tells us about one of her scientific heroes, Vera Rubin, and how she never got the Nobel Prize she likely deserved. This is something of a common occurrence with women in science. You don’t want to miss this incredibly educational and inspirational interview!

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SIO135: Alix Jules on Silverman, Starbucks and S’more

Alright that was shameless alliteration, I admit it. But the truth is that outrage brigade member Alix Jules is here to speak on a wide array of issues and I think you’ll find him as informative and entertaining as always! Other issues we touched on were raising atheist children, protesting, police reform and the Stoneman Douglas students using their privilege for good.

If you’re a supporter of the show, make sure to catch this week’s bonus episode for supporters only! either or

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