AS158: “My Father’s Funeral Was Stopped By Gay Marriage”

Yeah, you heard that right. But first, it’s a continuation of Monday’s episode with Nathanael. He turned the interview back on me, and we continued the exchange. Overall I’m very happy to have talked with Nathanael and while I of course disagree with any supernatural claims, he’s a great guy who is doing a lot of good in the world.

But now onto a bizarre and sad story in the second half (starts at 18:30). A listener, Josh, wrote to ask my help in spreading awareness of some very callous and heartless actions his family’s church of 30 years took in response to a very reasonable request regarding his father’s funeral. It’s an awful example of how bigotry can trump all with some churches.

You can find Nathanael at and his twitter @npvitkus

AS157: Dialogue With A Christian, Nathanael

Show friend Tracey Moody connected today’s guest, Nathanael, and I. We ended up having a really cool discussion that I think was very positive and due to the miracles of modern science, was caught on tape! Here it is.

You can find Nathanael at and his twitter @npvitkus

AS155: Cognitive Dissonance

The guys are back! Well, we intended to talk about the Tim Hunt stuff, and its implications on free expression, etc, BUT we got a little sidetracked.  I thought the recording was comedy gold, but in case anyone disagrees, you get a 2 for 1 deal on Thursday, during which time we ACTUALLY talk about Tim Hunt and the implications on free expression… Until then. Here’s this!

AS154: The Portable Atheist

Ok ok, a REAL one this time! This month’s reading is A Refutation of Deism by Percy Shelley. Lots of cool stuff to talk about in this reading. Shelley was a poet but honestly in my opinion, he could have been a philosopher! Also, did he predict evolution 50 years before Origin of Species? I don’t know, listen and find out why I think he sort of did!